DIY in the Whare
DIY in the Whare
Turanga Health's DIY in the Whare is a one-stop do-it-yourself expo where visitors can learn tips and tricks to remedy and repair their home.
Whānau learn how to plaster a hole in the wall, fix leaking taps, and heat their house for less. Visitors are also invited to bring their power bills and let the experts from Electric Village take a look and work out how to bring their monthly power bill down. Brett Goddard from Alpha Electrical, plasterer Noah Lee, DIY guru John Wauchop, and Smart Energy insulation company make up the advisory contingent. DIY in the Whare is hosted in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity in venues around the rohe. For more information phone us on (06) 869 0457, email us, or check out Facebook for the next one near you |