Antenatal Wananga
Antenatal Wananga
Our antenatal wananga are held bi-monthly and support first time and returning parents providing information and discussion around pregnancy, childbirth and parenting of newborn pēpi.
The two-day wananga showcases the wraparound services offered by Turanga Health for parents including; Well Child Tamariki Ora, Māmā and Pēpi, breastfeeding education, wahakura workshops (when available), immunisation advice, and smoking cessation. There are presentations from midwives, Healthy Home kaiāwhina and a dad’s perspective from our kaimahi tāne. Our Well Child Tamariki Ora nurses can provide booster and influenza vaccination as an added support. Enroll in an antenatal wananga in your final few months of pregnancy and bring your partners and or a support person if you can. You can enroll yourself, or referrals can be made by midwives, GPs, and other health providers. Ring (06) 869 0457 or email for more information. |